De prevalentie van chronische musculoskeletale pijn (CMP) wordt geschat op 20% van alle volwassenen wereldwijd. Verder is CMP één van de meest gerapporteerde redenen om medische zorg te zoeken. Daarenboven blijkt bijvoorbeeld chronische lage rugpijn op globale schaal de belangrijkste reden te zijn voor leven met functieverlies.
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Did you ever wonder why a specific treatment does not always have the same effect in one person compared to another despite having the same problem?
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Acupuncture is commonly used for pain control, but doubts about its effectiveness and safety remain. Serious adverse effects continue to be reported.
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Online Symposium Kankerpijn in Beweging   November 13th, 2019
Symposium Pijn na Kanker vindt plaats in Brussels health campus Jette (Zaterdag 10 oktober 2020)
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Did you know ZORA already? ZORA is a humanoid robot, which means she is designed to appear human characteristics, such as movements and appearance. Humanoid robots can be programmed to work with people, and to communicate verbally and nonverbally.
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Big congresses typically have so many lectures and sessions, often in parallel, that everybody is sort of living a different and personal experience – a bit like visiting one same region of the world, but planning the journey differently, taking different paths. What follows here in the blogpost, it is clearly just my experience, but anyway, here you are.
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The interaction between stress and pain perception is complex. Stress has undoubtedly impact on pain perception.
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The efficacy of Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE), the explanation of pain to patients with (long-term) pain, has been studied since 2002 (Moseley, 2002).
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A vlog by Prof. Roselien Pas
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Save the Date! Pain Science in Motion IV will be held in Maastricht, the Netherlands (27-28 May 2021)
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A vlog by Prof. Jo Nijs
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Some days ago, my car made an uncomfortable sound and I immediately thought ‘something is wrong with my right front wheel’. I went to the garage and told them what, in my opinion, was wrong with my car.
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Physical activity is known to play an important key role in the treatment of pain conditions and is an effective strategy to relieve pain and improve level of functioning in daily activities in various chronic musculoskeletal pain disorders (Daenen, et al., 2015).
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The development of chronic pain is the one of the most seen sequelae in the cancer survivor population (Leysen et al., 2017). But despite that, it is an entity which is poorly studied and comprehended (Burton et al., 2007).
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One world, one education?   April 7th, 2019
Increasing research all over the world is indicating the importance of giving pain neuroscience education to chronic pain patients (Malfliet et al. 2018). Results have indicated an increase in the level of knowledge of the patient and a decrease of in the level of perceived threat, consequently increasing the quality of life.
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Breast cancer is the most frequent malignancy among women worldwide. Despite the high incidence in Western countries, an increase in survival and life expectancy has been observed due to the ongoing improvement of detection method accuracy, early diagnosis and breast cancer treatment (Ferlay et aL., 2015).
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There is growing evidence that a state of heightened sensitivity of central pain processing pathways is present in chronic pain patients. Hyperexcitability at the spinal level can be assessed by experimentally inducing a nociceptive flexion reflex (NFR) of the lower limb.
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Whiplash associated disorders (WAD) is among the most common accident-related disorders (about 300 per 10.000 inhabitants in western countries) that have extensive consequences for patients, healthcare services and insurance companies (Tournier et al. 2016).
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Chronic musculoskeletal pain is one of the conditions responsible for the increase in the number of years lived with disability, absenteeism and health care costs in the world (Andrew et al. 2014, G. B. D 2017).
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